Mastering Time: Conquering Procrastination in Home Remodeling

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Unlocking Joy Through Early Planning for Your Dream Kitchen or Bathroom Renovation

Can you think of something you’ve always wanted to do, but just never got around to it? Of course, you can. Home remodeling projects usually fall into that bucket.

Perhaps you’ve wanted that new larger kitchen space for entertaining during the holidays, and then the holidays came and went.

How about the dream bathroom you think about every time you and your spouse are jostling for space in front of the small vanity mirror you have now?

Or maybe you wanted a beautiful outdoor space to enjoy time at home during the summer, or a finished basement to let the kids play before they grow (grew?) up.

Time marches on, and there is always something urgent getting in the way of your best intentions.

At Simply Distinct Kitchens and Baths, we’ve seen this happen many times with customers who want home remodeling improvement projects but wait a little too long to get started. We’ve also seen the benefits of planning ahead, especially during the offseason before you want to enjoy your new space.

Taking that first step on a home improvement project can be a tough one, but we’ve seen the rewards of putting off procrastination and beginning to plan early.

Here's Why ...

Availability and Scheduling:

A home remodeling contractor likely has more time during the off-season to get to your home and spend some time on a quote. Even if not, planning ahead gives time to get on the schedule. Being busy is still no excuse for contractors not to call you back (and we promise that will never happen here!). But getting on the schedule early always leads to happiness later.

Market pricing and Cost fluctuations

Especially during times of inflation, it makes sense to plan ahead. Inflation means prices go up, but it also opens the doors for sales, discounts, and promotions. There may be off-season pricing to take advantage of. If your home remodeling contractor knows what items they’ll need early enough, they can watch the trends and make the right purchases along the way.

Mastering Time: Conquering Procrastination in Home Remodeling - Mastering Time: Conquering Procrastination in Home Remodeling -

Experienced planning

Your chosen contractor may have different ideas of what can be done now and what should wait. Your idea of too early may not be his. Bringing a home remodeling contractor in early to begin the planning process allows him to take advantage of expertise learned over many years in the industry.

Avoiding Spring Rush

Ever been to a big box home improvement store in the Spring? It’s a Zoo! By planning and securing quotes early, even in winter, you can avoid the rush and have a better chance of securing the home remodeling contractor of your choice.

Better Contractor Focus

At Simply Distinct Kitchens and Baths, we know that your kitchen remodeling project or new and improved master bathroom is very personal. We also know you don’t remodel the rooms in your home all the time. This is important stuff. Planning ahead gives us more time to get to know you and the project and to make better decisions together along the way.

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Get done on time

Planning allows for a more flexible timeline, giving you the ability to coordinate the project around your schedule and preferences rather than being constrained by the contractor’s availability or busy season.

Peace of Mind

By starting the process early, you can enjoy peace of mind knowing that your home improvement project is well-planned, and you are fully prepared to kick off the work when spring arrives. No one likes to feel rushed, especially with something as important as a home remodeling project, kitchen remodel, or dream bathroom installation.

Perhaps the biggest benefit to getting started early is…getting started. The biggest dissatisfaction we ever see is the missed time and lost opportunity people feel by putting off their dream kitchen or bathroom remodeling project. So put off the procrastination and get started getting started.

Call Simply Distinct Kitchens and Baths today to get the quote process started with a free in-home consultation today.

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