For Dream Kitchens, Dream Your Own Dream

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Why “As Seen on TV” may not be the perfect solution for your new kitchen

New kitchens and remodeled kitchen projects aren’t something you get to do every year. Or every two years. Nor would you want to! Sometimes, a remodeled kitchen project may be a once-in-a-lifetime undertaking.

So it makes sense to take the time to get it right. There is a lot that goes into a kitchen remodeling project, well before the first hammer is raised. You’ve got to plan the budget, find an acceptable timeline, choose a contractor, and more.

Most importantly, you’ve got to come up with a design that you like and be able to convey your desires to the contractor.

 “They (Simply Distinct crew) just did it real fast”, said Deb.   “It wasn’t the final product but they trimmed it up so it would fit and work and by the time my company was here, we didn’t miss a beat.”

And that’s why it matters whom you choose, explained Deb.  “It was great. That’s the kind of thing that you know money doesn’t buy. That’s just really awesome customer service”.

Brett responded in a typical humble manner “I forgot about that. That was probably a little more stressful for you than your shelves being a little bit smaller. So that worked out well.”

One mistake we see is when folks see a beautiful kitchen layout on social media or HGTV and they want it.  Exactly that!  They tell someone what they want, and that person says yes.  But they don’t anticipate layout, structural issues, whole house floor plans, or other current issues that can get in the way. All of a sudden, the dream kitchen becomes a nightmare.  

Seeing the layout of a beautiful kitchen is meant to inspire you to want more!  A beautiful kitchen layout on a screen is someone else’s kitchen.  You want to build yours!

So, if you’ve seen something you like, let that be the impetus to plan for the perfect dream kitchen remodeling project for you.  Here are some things to think about to make your kitchen even better for you than the one you saw on TV.

Choose a visual or functional anchor:  

What’s an anchor?  It’s the one element of your kitchen that should stand out immediately when someone walks in for the first time.  Is it the kitchen island, or the lighting? It might be the unique appliance or maybe the backsplash and wall decor.  Or an open-concept view outside the living room window.  What you notice on TV is beautiful, but is it what people will notice when they walk into your space.

Plan for functionality:

Ask yourself what needs to happen, behind the scenes.  Do you need more storage?  Do you need more moving space?  Do you need better lighting, or flow from the cupboard to the countertop to the appliance?  Will you use the space to accommodate big family gatherings, or is your living space meant to be separate?  These are never well shown in a picture or on TV.  What you want your kitchen to do for you has to come first…then you can design accordingly.


Decide on quality materials and budget:

It’s hard to get a feel for the budget from a magazine picture.  You can do amazing things with small budgets, using the proper materials. At the same time, we’ve seen people spend way too much money on countertops, flooring, and appliances that just weren’t necessary.  Quartz or Granite for countertops is a good place to start. Also, consider flooring materials from vinyl to tile to hardwood.  Functionality and design should mix for a budget you can allocate.

Think about the future:

This is your kitchen, and you need to make it the kitchen you want and will enjoy while you’re in the home.  But give a little thought to design options and color choices that can impact the resale of your home in the future.  Trends change, colors go out of style, and not everyone is as big a fan of flamingos as you are!  And the images you see online are definitely trendy.  If you want it your way, by all means, that is how it should be. But it does also pay to at least consider giving an eye toward the future before you make your final selections.  

There’s a lot to consider here and these points are not meant to be an exhaustive list. There is a lot to consider here, but plenty of ways to get started.  Looking online and checking TV shows is a great place to start. But before you go too far, make sure you discuss these concerns and more with a designer who can help you bring your vision into focus.  A good remodeling contractor will have a designer on staff to give free advice and even an estimate of cost before locking anything down.  

At Simply Distinct Kitchens and Baths, we’d love to visit your home and offer a consultation about what design and functionality choices might be a perfect fit for you. 

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